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Distinguish Between True And False Non-woven Fabric

- Aug 14, 2017 -

1. Water testing method: Put the non-environmental protection bag in the water, and according to the bottom, non-toxic non-environmental protection bag small proportion, can surface, toxic non environmental protection bag large proportion, sinking.

2. Fire detection method: non-toxic polyethylene non-environmental protection bags flammable, the flame is blue, upper yellow, burning like a candle tears drip, there is paraffin flavor, smoke less; toxic PVC non-environmental protection bag non-flammable, fire is extinguished, the flame is yellow, the bottom is green, softening can be brushed, there is a pungent odor of hydrochloric acid.

3. Jitter Detection method: The hand to seize the non-environmental protection bag at one end of the shaking, issued a crisp sound non-toxic;

4. Sensory detection method: non-toxic non-environmental protection bag is milky, translucent, or colorless transparent, flexible, feel lubrication, the surface appears to have wax; toxic non-environmental bag color cloudy or yellow, feel hair sticky.