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Packaging Design Process

- Feb 22, 2018 -

The life of a commercial package begins with taking an order, then designing, manufacturing, packaging, placing it on the shelf, and then disposing of it for disposal or recycling. Design is only a small part of this long life cycle . Although it can not decide whether the product can reach the consumers successfully, it actually affects the sales success rate ...

The life of a commercial package begins with taking an order, then designing, manufacturing, packaging, placing it on the shelf, and then disposing of it for disposal or recycling. Design is only a small part of this long life cycle . Although it can not decide whether the product can reach the consumers successfully, it actually affects the sales success rate.

1, market research and analysis

Market research can be divided into two kinds, one is periodic, extensive, one is temporary, targeted, in the detailed data research needs analysis.

①, the selling point of the product; ②, the expected life cycle of the product; ③, how to establish the image of the product; ④, the purpose of purchase, consumer expectations and consumer status

2, design ideas and sketches

In the beginning of the creative design of packaging design, we must first clear the scope of packaging design, packaging products according to different characteristics of different creative focus.

①, visual performance; ②, structural changes; ③, the unique shape of the container

3, design effects and production

Packaging design and other flat-type design is different, although the design is carried out in the package expansion plans, is a flat visual effects, but the finished product is three-dimensional.

①, three-dimensional renderings; ②, model performance; ③, printing materials